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23 Facts About Vegans And Veganism You Should Know

Vegans and veganism are now rocking everywhere from news to social media. It has become a new sensation and so many people are now adopting veganism. Because of a variety of reasons. Which includes, environmental factors, animal cruelty, a healthy diet, etc. And in this blog, we are sharing 23 facts about vegans and veganism you should know.

What is veganism

In addition to not eating meat, vegans also don’t eat dairy products, eggs, and anything else that originally comes from animals. Vegans also choose not to use clothing or any other products that originate from animals. Most vegans choose to become so in order to support animal rights, protect the environment, or because of its positive health effects.

Facts about vegans and veganism
  1. Animals in the food industry are abused and slaughtered. The industries do horrific practices in order to generate a maximum profit. 99% of farmed animals spend their whole lives in those factory farms.
  2. Around the world, over 150 million farmed animals are killed each day.
  3. A vegan spare nearly 30 animal lives a year.
  4. Many people are adopting veganism because it is good for the environment. Livestock and their byproducts are accountable for 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions, worldwide.
  5. 2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef.
    It is so easy to help the planet. By eating a plant-based diet you will be living a much more sustainable life.
  6. Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of the Amazon rainforest destruction.
  7. Researchers with Loma Linda University found that vegans have the smallest carbon footprint, generating a 41.7% smaller volume of greenhouse gases than meat-eaters do.
  8. Veganism can also solve the world hunger problem. Research shows that we could feed an additional 4 billion humans if we grew our crops directly for human consumption. Rather than feeding the crops to farmed animals and then consuming them.
  9. Scientists expect fishless oceans by 2048. Unless we change the animal food industries and their practices. Animal agriculture causes ocean dead zones due to overfishing, pollution and climate change. But veganism can solve this problem and save our oceans.
  10. A plant-based diet also increases metabolism. The metabolism of people who follow a plant-based diet burns calories 16% faster on average than the metabolism of meat-eaters for the first few hours after meals.
  11. The term “Vegan” is not very old it’s just less than 100 years old. The term “vegan” was coined by the British animal rights activist Donald Watson in the 1940s.
  12. There are myths that a vegan diet can’t provide you enough protein. A vegan diet can easily provide you enough protein. There are so many affordable options for vegan protein. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, tempeh, soya chunks, and seitan are just a few examples of vegan protein.
  13. Most cases of food poisoning (up to 80%), are due to infected meat.
  14. Vegans live longer because of a healthy plant-based diet. The Mayo Clinic reported that switching to a plant-based diet could add up to four years to your life.
  15. Vegans save 1,100 gallons of water each day.
    The meat industry wastes one-third of drinkable water. While 4 billion people don’t have enough water. By going vegan, we can make good use of this precious resource. And we can save someone’s life by providing this water to the needy one.
  16. Vegans are less likely to die from heart disease.
    A study published in the American Journal shows that vegetarians are up to 32% less likely than meat-eaters to suffer from hospitalization or death due to heart disease.
  17. Some of the famous vegans are Benedict Cumberbatch, Zac Efron, Beyoncé, Bill Clinton, Madonna, Joaquin Phoenix, and Michelle Pfieffer.
  18. Around 2.5 million Americans aged 55 or older are now practicing vegans.
  19. A farm with 2500 dairy cows produces the same amount of waste as a city of 411000 people.
  20. A meat-based diet requires 18 times more land than a vegan diet.
  21. Studies show that those who eat meat are more than twice as likely to develop dementia.
  22. 0.03% of the ocean plastic comes from straws. At least 46% comes from discarded fishing nets.
  23. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.

Read more: How to encourage your meat-eater friend to adopt a vegan lifestyle.

These are 23 facts about vegans and veganism from us. I hope you will find these facts informative and helpful. If you have some suggestion on which we should write or you have any query and something else you can contact us. Please do share this blog with your family, friends, and others so they can also invest in their health.